Friday, November 16, 2012

[2 Day] The Offshore Korea Technical Conference 2012

The Offshore Korea 2012 was still continued attending a lot of people in the second day. In this day, it was begun 1 hour earlier than in the previous day because there were more conference sessions; totally 6 sessions was going to be headed.

Starting from the Keynote Talk whose theme was "Advances in Offshore Plant Technology", the conference was progressed in earnest. The chariperson introduced main current projects in many nations in his speech.

Immediately after finishing it, the panel discussion was connected on the same topic. 5 panels talked over the offshore plant technology and the recent trend, etc. According to the panel discussion, the growth in the global market is mainly led by non-OECD nations far more than OECD nations. As mentioned in the previous post, China's growth is especially more outstanding than the other ones.


Apart from that, some issues concerning gas, such as the oulook of the LNG market, deepwater minning and modelling change for offshore industry, were repsented in the first session following the panel discussion. In particular, the expression named "the golden age of gas" was highly impressive in the presentation one of panels made.
In the meantime, the drilling rig session was being progressed. Several speakers made their presentations about offshore drilling challenges and solutions, global trends, etc.

As  those sessions were over, the schedule in the morning was finalized. Then lunch time was given for 80 minutes.

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